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Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie, interpelle les représentants du Congrès américain en faveur des chrétiens d'Irak

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Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie, interpelle les représentants du Congrès américain en faveur des chrétiens d'Irak Empty Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie, interpelle les représentants du Congrès américain en faveur des chrétiens d'Irak

Message par Guzmán El Bueno Ven 25 Juil - 8:55

Très belle interpellation - la deuxième d'ailleurs :

Pour la deuxième fois cette semaine, Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie à la Chambre des représentants du Congrès des États-Unis, est monté hier à la tribune de la chambre pour dénoncer le génocide des chrétiens à Mossoul, interpeller les membres du Congrès et le gouvernement Obama. Dans son intervention, le député de confession presbytérienne a commencé par citer deux paragraphes particulièrement saisissants d’un éditorial paru dans le quotidien The Wall Street Journal le 22 juillet : « Imaginez qu’une secte chrétienne fondamentaliste se soit emparé de la ville française de Lyon et ait commencé à la purger systématiquement de tous les musulmans qui y vivent. Leurs mosquées ont été détruites, leurs croissants barbouillés, leurs corans brûlés et tous les musulmans obligés de fuir ou d’être exécutés. Un tel événement semblera impensable de nos jours et s’il survenait le pape François et tous les responsables chrétiens la dénonceraient et soutiendraient les efforts du gouvernement pour y mettre un terme. Pourtant, c’est essentiellement ce qui se passe, à l’envers, à Mossoul ». Et Frank Wolf interpelle depuis la tribune : « Le christianisme, comme nous l’avons connu en Irak, est en train d’être balayé. J’estime que ce qui advient à la communauté chrétienne d’Irak est un génocide. J’estime aussi que c’est un crime contre l’humanité. Où est l’Occident ? Où est le gouvernement Obama ? Où est ce Congrès ? Le silence est assourdissant ». Wolf conclut son interpellation par une belle citation : « Comme William Wilberforce, le parlementaire et abolitionniste [esclavage] britannique, l’a dit, et la phrase est célèbre, à ses collègues : “Ayant entendu tout ce qui vient d’être dit, vous pouvez regarder ailleurs, mais vous ne pourrez plus jamais dire que vous ne saviez pas” ». (Sources : Observatoire de la Christianophobie - 24 juillet 2014)
Guzmán El Bueno
Guzmán El Bueno

Messages : 163
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2014
Age : 64
Localisation : En pleine révolte


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Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie, interpelle les représentants du Congrès américain en faveur des chrétiens d'Irak Empty Re: Frank Wolf, député républicain de Virginie, interpelle les représentants du Congrès américain en faveur des chrétiens d'Irak

Message par Guzmán El Bueno Ven 25 Juil - 9:16

L'article complet, en anglais, sur "Voice of the Persecuted", le 24 juillet 2014 :

Washington, D.C. (July 24, 2014) – For the second time this week, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) took to the House floor to alert his colleagues – and the world – of the genocide he believes is taking place in Iraq.

“Christianity as we know it in Iraq is being wiped out,” Wolf said.

Wolf began today’s speech by reading the first two paragraphs of a Wall Street Journal editorial from earlier in the week: “Mr. Speaker: Imagine if a fundamentalist Christian sect captured the French city of Lyon and began a systematic purge of Muslims. Their mosques were destroyed, their crescents defaced, the Koran burned and then all Muslims forced to flee or face execution. Such an event would be unthinkable today, and if it did occur Pope Francis and all other Christian leaders would denounce it and support efforts by governments to stop it.

“Yet that is essentially what is happening in reverse now in Mosul, as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham drives all signs of Christianity from the ancient city. Christians have lived in Mosul for nearly 2,000 years, but today they are reliving the Muslim religious wars of the Middle Ages.”

Wolf then read parts of an e-mail he received form someone on the ground in Iraq who painted a very dire situation: “All Mosul churches and monasteries are seized by ISIS. There are around 30. The cross has been removed from all of them. Many of them are burned, destroyed and looted. Many others are being used as ISIS centers. The religious Sunni, Shiite and Christian tombs are destroyed in Mosul. This destruction is endangering very ancient sites, such as prophet Jonah’s tomb, which was broken last week, according to many reporters.”

Wolf then asked: “Where is the West? Where is the Obama Administration? Where is the Congress? The silence is deafening.”

Wolf ended his remarks by quoting William Wilberforce, the British parliamentarian who, in making the case against slavery in 1789, told his colleagues, “Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

Below is the complete text of Wolf’s remarks:

“‘Imagine if a fundamentalist Christian sect captured the French city of Lyon and began a systematic purge of Muslims. Their mosques were destroyed, their crescents defaced, the Koran burned and then all Muslims forced to flee or face execution. Such an event would be unthinkable today, and if it did occur Pope Francis and all other Christian leaders would denounce it and support efforts by governments to stop it.

“Yet that is essentially what is happening in reverse now in Mosul, as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham drives all signs of Christianity from the ancient city. Christians have lived in Mosul for nearly 2,000 years, but today they are reliving the Muslim religious wars of the Middle Ages.’

“These are not my words. They are the first two paragraphs of a Wall Street Journal editorial published earlier this week.

“Now I want to read parts of an e-mail I received yesterday from someone in the ground in Iraq: ‘All Mosul churches and monasteries are seized by ISIS. There are around 30. The cross has been removed from all of them. Many of them are burned, destroyed and looted. Many others are being used as ISIS centers. The religious Sunni, Shiite and Christian tombs are destroyed in Mosul. This destruction is endangering very ancient sites, such as prophet Jonah’s tomb, which was broken last week, according to many reporters.’

“It has been widely reported that ISIS soldiers have painted ‘N’ on the doors of Christians to signify that they are ‘Nasara,’ the word for Christian. Shiite homes were painted with the letter ‘R’ for “Rawafidh,’ meaning rejectors or protestants.

“Christianity as we know it in Iraq is being wiped out.

“With the exception of Israel, the Bible contains more references to the cities, regions and nations of ancient Iraq than any other country.

“I believe what is happening to the Christian community in Iraq is genocide. I also believe it is a crime against humanity.

“Where is the West? Where is the Obama Administration? Where is the Congress? The silence is deafening.

“The West, particularly the church, needs to speak out.

“The Obama Administration needs to make protecting this ancient community a priority. President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry need to have the same courage as President Bush and former Secretary of State Colin Powell when they said genocide was taking place in Darfur.

“The Congress needs to hold this administration accountable for its failure to act.

“The United Nations has a role, too. It should immediately initiate proceedings in the International Criminal Court against ISIS for crimes against humanity.

“I will close today by reading the final two paragraphs of The Wall Street Journal editorial I began my statement with: ‘Today’s religious extremism is almost entirely Islamic. While ISIS’s purge may be the most brutal, Islamists in Egypt have driven thousands of Coptic Christians from homes they’ve occupied for centuries. The same is true across the Muslim parts of Africa. This does not mean that all Muslims are extremists, but it does mean that all Muslims have an obligation to denounce and resist the extremists who murder or subjugate in the name of Allah. Too few imams living in the tolerant West will speak up against it.

“As for the post-Christian West, most elites may now be nonbelievers. But a culture that fails to protect believers may eventually find that it lacks the self-belief to protect itself.’

“As William Wilberforce, the British parliamentarian and abolitionist, famously told his colleagues, ‘Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.’”
Guzmán El Bueno
Guzmán El Bueno

Messages : 163
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2014
Age : 64
Localisation : En pleine révolte


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